I have conducted quilting and creativity workshops and lectures for more than 25 years. I love teaching my techniques, inspiring budding artists and meeting quilters from all over the world. My goal is to inform and entertain so people come away with new knowledge and a memorable experience.
Where I have taught
Some of the venues where I have taught in the past include: Mancuso quilt shows in California (Pacific International Quilt Festival), Colorado, Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, https://www.quiltfest.com/; Quilt Festival Houston; The Australasian Quilt Convention in Melbourne, Australia; Empty Spools Seminars in Asilomar, CA; quilting retreats at Lake Tahoe; quilters guilds across the US, Australia and New Zealand; Quilt Seminars at Sea https://www.quiltcruises.com/
Below is a listing of some of my classes. For more information please contact me.
Types of groups
I enjoy interacting with small groups as well as engaging and presenting my work to large audiences. Many of my hands-on workshops are focused on groups of 20-25 where students sometimes are dyeing fabric, creating art quilts and always learning and having fun.

Workshop Schedule
Foothills Quilters Guild, Auburn, CA; 1/13-14
Mid Atlantic Quilt Festival, Hampton, VA; 2/27 -3/2
Siërra Quilt Guild, Sonora, CA; 5/13
Orange County Quilters Guild, Orange, CA; 6/10-11
Beach Cities Quilters Guild, Mission Viejo, CA; 6/12-13
Vallejo Piecemakers, Vallejo, CA; 7/16
Quilted Fabric Sculptures
Learn how to make 3 dimensional, quilted, fabric sculptures. In class you will either make a flower, bowl, or vase (your choice) but with the technique taught in this class you’ll be able to make many, different fabric sculptures. Your imagination is the limit…
3 or 6 hours
Dyed Fabrics: They're Ir-Resist-Able
Learn to create your own beautiful hand-dyed fabrics! You will become familiar with the principles of color theory, fabric dyeing using Procion fiber reactive dyes, and many surface design techniques such as immersion dyeing to create color progressions or value gradations; dye painting; bleach discharge; resist techniques; shibori; stamping and stenciling
6 hours
Hand-Dyed Silk Scarves
Dye your own silk and rayon scarves in your favorite colors. This class is a shorter version of my fabric dyeing class (above).
3 hours
Towering Trees
Learn how to make realistic looking trees with multi-fabric trunks and fiber lace foliage, using water soluble stabilizer and fused applique. Free-motion machine quilting, thread painting , bobbin drawing and couching techniques will be discussed.
6 hours
Sky Painting Workshop
Paint your own beautiful sunsets or water fabric and overlay them with a silhouette of trees (free pattern provided) or other shapes or embellish with threads (bobbin drawing and thread painting) to create an original landscape wall quilt.
6 hours
Butterflies In (Free) Motion
Create a beautiful Butterfly wall quilt by fusing the butterflies to a background and adding movement and texture with free motion quilting.
A kit (hand dyed fabric and pattern) takes the worry out of fabric selection. In class we will conduct a series of fun exercises in which you will create free form quilting designs without marking or templates. Each exercise leads you step by step in developing your own style and expertise to free motion quilting with confidence.
6 hours
Fabulous Flowers - Fast, Fun, Fused
Learn my easy techniques for producing floral wall quilts with oversized images. You will use an original flower drawing (choices are: Poppies, Rose, Sunflower, Daylily, Calla, Iris, Daffodils, and Bird of Paradise). We’ll translate this into a fabric collage using contemporary methods and innovative art quilting techniques, such as free-motion embroidery, thread painting, embellishing with Angelina fiber and beads, couching and bobbin drawing.
6 hours
Create your own original seascape wall quilt. Learn about essential design principles. This workshop is suitable for new and experienced quilters with patterns available for those who are not confident to make their own designs. We’ll be creating a fabric collage using fused or traditional appliqué, free-motion machine embroidery and thread painting, stamping and stenciling with fabric paints, foiling, embellishing with Angelina and beads, yarn (couching) and bobbin-drawing.
6 hours
Land and City Scapes
Learn about essential design principles to make a beautiful fantasy view or bring that inspiring photograph that you have wanted to translate into a beautiful wall quilt. This workshop is suitable for new and experienced quilters. We’ll be creating a fabric collage using fused or traditional appliqué, free-motion machine embroidery and thread painting. Bobbin drawing and couching will provide extra texture. Learn how to sew from back to front, following your own drawing or my pattern.
6 hours
Mini Landscape Class
In this class you will learn to create a small landscape wall quilt (suitable for framing) using the following techniques: free motion machine embroidery, thread painting, bobbin drawing, couching, use of Sulky Solvy to make trees and shrubs, foiling, embellishing with Angelina fibers and Tyvek. Emphasis is on learning the techniques. Small landscape patterns will be provided to practice on.
6 hours
Shimmering, Sparkeling Dragon Flies
Create a beautiful dragonfly wall quilt and learn how to add sparkle with iridescent Angelina fibers, foiling and machine embroidery threads. This is a fast and fun technique suitable for new and experienced quilters. Learn about the many exciting ways you can use this unusual fiber. A kit with several colors of Angelina fiber is available for $5.
6 hours
Bobbin Drawing, Thread Painting & Free-Motion Machine Embroidery Workshop
Many of us have a large collection of gorgeous threads, ribbons and yarn that are too thick to thread through a sewing machine needle or too fragile to withstand the machine’s tension disks and thread guides. With bobbin drawing you will be able to use these wonderful threads. Learn the basics of this exciting technique and free-motion machine embroidery, thread painting and couching.
3 hours
California, the Beautiful
Create your own California wall quilt. Our landscape is so beautiful and inspiring. Use one of my patterns (choice of Golden Gate Bridge, Big Sur, Yosemite Falls, Golden Hills, Lake Tahoe, Monterey Bay) to make an art quilt that is gallery ready.
You will learn many techniques: fused appliqué, free-motion machine quilting, embellishing with Angelina fiber and textile foil, bobbin drawing, and how to mount your quilt on stretched canvas for a professional gallery look.